Friday, December 31, 2010

Dear Readers:

I have been under the weather or otherwise busy for quite some time. I know I am a falure at blogging, and I wanna make that up to you guys.

In 2011 I will try to make at least one post a week. If I don't get to it, I will make some sort of extra something.

In other news, I have a new computer. It is awesome. Right now, I am trying to train the speech recognition software to be my little bitch. It's not working very well yet. But that's OK, it will learn.

So, tonight is New Year's Eve, and I suppose that means I need to make my resolutions. This is one of my resolutions. I'll try very hard to make a blog post every week. Another resolution is that I am going to take pictures every day. I may post those pictures to this blog. The area around here is very pretty, and I hardly ever take advantage of that.

In the new year, I'm going to try to take care of myself. I'm going to try and make myself into a human being. I haven't been doing a good job of that lately. I am doing better though. I still need to clean my room. I have been very very busy lately, and haven't had time to clean much of anything.

I am still recovering from a large bout of depression. Before finals week, I shut down. It was one of the most terrible times in my life. Every moment I was nauseated, and overwhelmed. It is not a good place to be. I lost about 20 pounds, and hardly ate. I felt like less than a worm. I was emotionally ripping myself to pieces. All I can say is, thank goodness for modern medicine.

So, I guess now you know why this has not been updated in forever.

Happy new year. See guys on the other side.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I'm Still a Newbie

Halp halp I still dunno what to put!!!


By the way IT IS SCARF SEASON!!!!!one!SHIFT!!!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I know I should post something new, so here I go, Posting something new (and completely boring)

So it's raining here. I like the rain, it's pretty awesome.

Tomorrow is the First of October, which is pretty cool.

And this is me for pretty much the past few weeks.

Yeah, fun fun fun times!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Absence of Mind

Yeah so like... My other computer COMPLETELY KICKED THE BUCKET last Wednesday and I finally just now got the nerve to post about it. It sucks really really really really really bad. I can't hardly type at all on the laptop because, although I managed to get it up and running, I can't move it because I got the charger plugged in -just so- and if I carry it somewhere else or put it where I can get to it easier it'll stop charging and the battery only lasts half an hour.

So thus I am trying to maybe find a guest writer for this thing until I get my real computer up and running. Of course you who read this are all imaginary people, and at this point I am performing opera to an empty theatre.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

A letter to my laptop

Dear Gerald the Laptop:

Regarding your decision to stop charging; I just want to know why. You've been more or less faithful to me for two years of your four year life. I rescued you when you were about to get thrown out of your first home: the Store. They didn't want you anymore because you were an OLD floor model, and they were trying to sell little old you off with a $99 gift card. I loved you and took you home.
You helped me in my time of need to write my 23 page high school graduation paper. I respect you for that, and it was one of the best things you could have done for me. You carry my huge supply of music inside of you like an elephant carrying a baby for forever and a half.
You were doubtful of my relationship with that moron, but you still helped me communicate with that sick excuse of a person up until the end of that relationship. You even survived a fall out of a two story window into the bushes below during my ill thought out escape plan from my parent's house to his house. Brainwashing will do that to a person.
So why is it this year all you have done is quit working? Why this year? Is it because you think your job is done? It's not. Breathe, you! Look around you! You have a duty to fulfill. YOU NEED TO GET ME THROUGH COLLEGE. I don't have a job. All I have left to work on is this computer, which I bought with money I earned over a year ago. I need mobility, Gerald. I need you to stop this silly not charging business and LIVE.
I miss you.

Yours truly,
E. N.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Voice Recognition Episode 1, revenge of the crab

Hi, It's me again. I'm going to type up a post for this blog and then i am going to read it aloud into the Microsoft speech recognization software. The garbled message will show up below.

"But I it's me again I'm going to tie the proposed for the blob and then I'm going to read it aloud enter the mark grace of speech recognition software that garbled message will show up below."

I should actually write up quality content that is well thought out, but this is much more fun!

"I should actually ride of quality content that is well thought out but this is much more fun!"

That one wasn't quite so bad. Dandelions are daft and dainty.

"That one wasn't quite so bad. Then the lines are daft and dainty."

Pizza Pizza Pizza Pizza Pizza.

"Pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza"

Crap, it's actually learning. What do I do?

"Crab it's actually learning. what do I do?"

(saying crap repeadtedly)

"Grant crab crab crab cracked crab grass grow"

Fine. I give up. I'm going to post crabs.

"Fine. I'd give up. I'm going to post crabs."

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

So I haven't finished math homework for today, and I have class at 7 pm. it is now 2ish and stuff...


I remembered i had not written anything in forever!

and last thing i had written was a leftist screaming rant!

I should post more.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gulf Coast Oil Spill Rant Number 1

Hello. It's me again.
I'm about to talk about something that's near and dear to my heart.
The Oil Spill.
As nobody has noticed* I have the news feed sidebar thing currently set to link to articles about the BP gulf coast oil disaster. Why? Because I really do care. Not just about the "small people" (lol Svanberg) but about EVERYTHING. My very ancestral roots lie in the city of New Orleans. I met a good number of my friends there, and a lot of my family still lives in the area. Family friends are the very fishermen affected by this disaster. Some of them are doing okay still because their oyster beds and such are farther west than the oil has reached... yet.
The sad thing is about all of this is that if people weren't such lazy little greedy jerks this whole thing, this whole entire disaster would not have happened.
Never mind that we should be weaning off oil and non-renewable sources of energy.
Never mind that we should stop letting foreign companies on our soil to extract our resources from under the ground.

This whole thing should have never happened.

BP should have taken the responsibility and the blame for this in the first place, because it is all definitely their fault. Why would I have the nerve to say this? Because it's true. BP was ultimately in charge of the rig that exploded, killing 11 people; and then sank. BP approved all of the quite obviously flawed designs that were used to build the rig and drill the well. BP told the people who made the stuff to cut corners, putting everything in jeapordy and in danger. When somebody had the balls to say something about the shortcuts and such, they were fired. When the damn thing blew up, they covered up the leak with falsehoods and "oh it's just from the rig" type stories. When it became clear that there was untold amounts of crude oil gushing from the bottom of the sea, they still tried to cover it up with fudged numbers, saying it wasn't all that much.

Every method they have tried to use to prevent the oil from leaking more has failed. Instead of actually trying to fix the problem, they have instead tried to capture the oil as it comes out of the ground. It is still leaking huge amounts, a billowing smokestack of sticky, disgusting oil that accumulates on the surface as a slick and below it as a dead zone of tiny droplets suspended in the water like oil is suspended in salad dressing. Even with scientific proof from third parties readily available, the BP scientists were refusing to admit there was oil hanging beneath the surface.
BP has tried to deny everything. But when the evidence became overwhelmingly clear that it was in fact their problem, they had to deal with it. It doesn't mean they dealt with it gracefully though.
"I'd like my life back," said Tony Hayward, CEO of BP
---"well so would the 11 people who died" was the universal retort on tv and in my household.
"We care about the small people" -Chairman Svanberg said this week.

And if this whole BP bullcrap thing wasn't stupid enough, now the GOP and tea party are DEFENDING them
not to mention APOLOGIZING.
Today, during the opening statements of today's questioning of BP execs, US House Representative Barton of Texas actually apologized to BP CEO Hayward. He called up some nonsense about due process and used the word "shakedown" repeatedly referring to the deal our President made with BP to help the victims of the spill. He isn't the only one siding with BP in the republican arena. A good number of people are, and that is just absolutely sick.
It is NOT the current administration's fault that this shit is happening. Blame the last three.
Everything is falling apart under Obama's watch not because he's some sort of crook who sabotages things, like most people I know seem to believe, but he's just so honest and naive that he didn't hire the crooks who keep these things under wraps. Seriously.

Ok I need to stop, I will probably rant more in the coming weeks. *

Nothing makes me angrier than mass stupid, and there seems to be quite a lot these days.


*Nobody sees my blog yet because, after this post, I'll probably get shot if I did link to it. Nobody likes liberals in my area. Not even slightly.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Gardening 101


I'm the one who wanted to start blogging. I am Erica, and I'll probably be doing most of the posting. Whee.

I'm very new to this. Well, I had a blog over at xyzwhateverimanasshole whatever that sites name is.
I've been reading some stuff on blogs lately, and so I decided that it was time for me to actually put down some of my crazy adventures in mediocrityland.

A little tiny bitty bit of background information on my situation here:
  • I'm a woman (obv)
  • I'm 21 and living with my parents again. Again meaning after I ditched home to run off to ex boyfriend (story for another day)
  • I'm mediocre at just about everything.

To the main point...

EVERY YEAR my parents have to plant a garden. Which isn't that bad. It's nice, in theory. In theory it's the most wonderful thing on the planet. "We have no vegetables? WELL! THAT'S OKAY!!!! GO OUTSIDE AND PICK SOME!!!~~~~"
EVERY YEAR it ends up being hell. When I was little, I didn't have to worry about it because I could frolic and stuff and I liked to eat peas and carrots and stuff because vegetables were fun and the garden was nice and organized because the garden faeries would come and keep it that way (yeah I don't have a clue either) and everything was happy. Maybe I just ignored it all and hummed and skipped and pretended my way through the yard. Rambling is fun.
EVERY YEAR since I was about seven or eight or nine or whenever we moved to this house, it has been a hair pulling near fist-fighting hassle of epically epic proportions. The first year we had the garden we had to prepare it, shield it from deer and bunnies and whatever small furry creature would eat the veggies and fruit, break the ground, get better soil, blah blah blah blah kjdfkjd;fkgh;lkfhglk whatever.
EVERY YEAR after that it has been an argument over what goes where. It eventually became my mom's job to plan it. That's all well and good because she can plan things really well. She used to plan houses for fun in her spare time. I have no idea why she didn't get some sort of architecture or design degree in college.

THIS YEAR it's apparently my job to try and plan this garden.

See where it says corn and melons?
I had to plan that.

Planning gardens is okay I suppose when you've had a rundown on what you need to have and how it needs to be planted in order to survive.
Here's what I had to use: the information on the seed packets, a very general set of guidelines, and a looming sense of "IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS THE PROPER WAY YOU WILL HAVE YOUR INTERNET TAKEN AWAY AND ALL THAT IS DEAR TO YOU WILL PERISH!"


So for the last three days, I have been trying to get this done, and when I ask questions, in response I would get CONFUSING guidelines, which is far worse than vague guidelines, because vagueness is mostly inoffensive whereas confusing is offensive and makes me want to do things like go inside the house and curl up on my bed and never go outside again because any way I do it it's going to be WRONG WRONG WRONG.
Somehow I muddled through and got stuff planted.
One of the rows of corn is half missing because I ran out, we still haven't gotten tomatoes to plant, which is going to be another fun thing, seeing as I'm allergic to the plant itself. There are also a lot of things missing from the list of usual vegetables, like peas.
Also dad f***ed up the asparagus, so I don't know how much time we have to let it grow back.

My finger is cramping for unknown reasons so maybe I should stop. Woooooooo blogging.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

FIRST POST!!!111!!!!!

Hi, we're new at this. We have decided to start a blog (well one of us did, the other one was supportive for god knows what reason) And thus we will unleash our collective strange thoughts unto the world. Huzzah.


Collective strange thoughts... collective indeed, strange indeed. Thoughts? Doubtful. They're more of brain droppings than anything else. But yeah, now introducing the Elven Rant Page. Enjoy the brain droppings, folks.